Monday, January 28, 2013

What's new..

Hi All,

Sorry it has been awhile since I have wrote….. Believe it or not things have been a bit quiet around these parts and that deems to be a good thing. My dad has brought back his dazzling sense of humor and quick wit with a few off color remarks here and there which makes us all happy because it gives us and him moments of perfect clarity. Papa's blood pressure remains a steady low, but not alarmingly low. He continues to indulge in the Food Network channel and as recently as Sunday had my mom up with the rooster to make bread…. Cravings.. that is what determines the day, not a bad thing, as the bread was so delicious and warm. Thanks for that one dad!!!!

Please continue to come and visit, whether it be the blog or our home. He is ALWAYS happy to see old friends, we ALL are actually….

Keep us in your prayers and know that we cherish each of you, and don't forget to smile when you think of Harry!!!!



  1. Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!
    Love and hugs to all,

  2. Hi Harry,
    Good to hear your spirits are high. Just returned from Transitions Academy. The last 2 years, more independent ECP's are attending. Too bad we did not start the ECP of the Year award earlier. I am sure your business would have been in the running.
    Stay strong my friend, have a great weekend.

  3. Harry,
    I am pleased to hear you are doing well, my good friend. I continue to think of you daily, and wish I was close enough for a visit. I will be up before too long and we'll go for some more of that great Italian food you treated me to last trip.

    Hang in there, brother!

  4. Thanks, Thorie, for the update. Hmmm... bresh baked bread. Maybe I left too soon. Makes me want to get out my flour and yeast!!! Love to you all... Mary

  5. I know you like to watch the birds. The Robins are on their way back today, 2/3/2012. we have a bath out back. they are washing and drinking. look for them and better weather in a short while.

